Sunday, August 11, 2013

Grey Area Author Q & A: Nancy S.M. Waldman

Our next story about a Grey Area story comes from TPP co-editor, author and book cover artist, Nancy S.M. Waldman!

Q: What was the most interesting thing about writing your story for Grey Area?

Nancy: I had a good time writing “My Mews” which seemed a little odd, because it's a story about two very sad people whose spouses died way too young. But, I enjoyed it because I found the main character fun to work with.

On the outside, she seems utterly unmotivated and lost in her grief and she's also freaked out by living alone in an apartment that seems scary all of a sudden. However, once you're inside her head, you know that she's going to be all right eventually—even if she doesn't—because she's spunky and creative and has a quirky sense of humour. She might not make the same decisions that you or I would in the same situation, but she finds her way, with the help of that other, even more lost, spirit. And, her apartment is fabulous!

I hope you'll have fun with this story too. Join us in our campaign; the stories are all so unique.

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