Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Diane J. Sober discusses "This is My Land"

Here's today's author, Diane J. Sober, to tell us a little about her story, "This is My Land"...

Q: Can you tell us a little about the writing of your story for Grey Area?

Diane: I've always been attracted by old farm houses. They have hidden secrets, especially the vacant ones with odd things left behind. You can sense happy moments, sadness, nostalgia. The land around those homes wants to tell you about the work and the way of life that filled it.

I had met a friend 2 years ago whose father (from Norway) had been a pioneer in northern Alberta. He was farming and he remembers his father walking in winter to the nearest railroad station--about 10 miles--to get a bag of salt for the cows. Without it the cows would have aborted their calves. I was touched by that story, so much that it sent me writing.

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