Saturday, June 23, 2012

Author Interview: Mona Anderson

Mona Anderson
Q: How long have you been writing, and what kind of stories do you most like to write?

A: My grandparents gave me a typewriter when I was about 8 years old, so I guess I could say I've been writing since then. Most of my working career was as a writer, staff correspondent in one form or another, newsletters, business reports, correspondence etc. About 15 years ago I started working seriously on my own stuff.  I tried songs and poetry but seem to have settled in on short stories, sometimes crime, westerns, some speculative fiction, and fantasy.  I loved fairy tales as a kid, and apparently still do. 

Q: What's the title of your story in Unearthed? In general, do you get the title first, or do you write the story first? Do you remember what prompted this particular title?

A: The title of my story in Unearthed is "The Dwarf Under The Step".  I generally get the title first, as the basic idea for my stories.  I sometimes change the title later but use the first thought as a working title.  The idea came to me quite clearly when I was reading over the submission guidelines for Unearthed ...  The Dwarf Under The Step literally 'popped' into my head. I knew that would be my story and started writing it down.

Q: Please tell us: one book you've read recently, one book you're reading now, and one book on your to-read list.

A: Most recently, I read all six Jane Austen novels.  I started with Emma and finished with Pride & Prejudice.  It was a goal I set for myself back in March after watching the movie The Jane Austen Book Club (also read the book).  Most worthwhile adventure reading Miss Austen.  Brilliant author.  Great sense of humour.
Right now I am reading To Unimagined Shores by Sherry D. Ramsey.  Alas, just one more story to go.  I'll be sorry to reach the end of this little book.  It's a great adventure.
Mine is more of a "To Read" pile. I collect books that other people suggest or lend me, things that catch my eye at the library, or the Award Winners shelf at the book store.  Book Club helps.  I like books where I come away with a new idea about something, a new thought, or a new way of looking at things.  I like to learn something from the books I read. I don't waste time reading books I don't like or have trouble getting into. I just go on to something else.  We simply don't have enough time to read everything.
Q: What are you working on now, or what's your next planned writing project?
A: I've been working on a fantasy novel (generally referred to as the albatross) for over 5 years now, and I wish I could say it's nearing completion but that would be a bit optimistic.  I have a lot to learn about projects of this magnitude, so it's still very much a work in progression, assuming that I am in fact moving forward.  It doesn't always feel that way. 
Thanks, Mona!